Virtual reality and 3D experiences to IMProve territorial Attractiveness, Cultural heritage smart management and Touristic development
Project Summary
3D-IMP-ACT wants to enhance a cross border smart and sustainable tourism management, and promote the protection of natural and cultural assets of world heritage sites. The project will employ the latest technology in the fields of 3D and virtual reality, in order to promote touristic attractiveness of the region, by enhancing cooperation between universities and public bodies in dealing with the preservation, management and promotion of cultural assets. It will result in the creation of an interregional network of historic sites and the development of innovative fruition and enhancement models and products.
Total budget | 1.023.984,77 EUR |
EU Contribution | IPA co-financing 85% |
Duration | 2018 / 2020 |
Main Outputs
- Photorealistic 3D documentation of pilot-cases
- Virtual /Augmented reality models and 3D artefacts/environments of
historic sites
- Laboratories for 3D and digital technologies in Albania and Montenegro
- Web-GIS based mapping of historic sites and territorial networks
Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Project Partners
- Polo Museale della Puglia (IT)
- Instituti i Monumenteve të Kulturës “Gani Strazimiri’ (AL)
- Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës (AL)
- Univerzitet Crne Gore Podgorica (ME)
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery